Around 40% of properties we have sampled, return a positive meth test result.
This means the likelihood is very high that your property management team and licensed sales agents will be involved with MethAffected property at some point.
How well does your team understand their role and their responsibilities to mitigate MethRisk in your business?
What systems do you have in place to prevent MethAffected properties coming onto your rent roll?
And, what processes do you have in place to effectively deal with MethAffected properties if the situation arises?
As the window for insurance cover for meth contamination continues to close, owners of contaminated properties will look to recoup financial losses. We are already seeing this in instances when property managers have failed to employ appropriate systems and processes.
We want to share our experience, to reduce the likelihood that they end up looking at your business.
If your company has managed a rental property that has subsequently become meth contaminated, owners will increasingly ask why they were not made aware of MethRisk.
If their losses are big enough, a client will be look at you, and your professional indemnity insurance policy, to contribute toward their financial losses.
This is occurring!
Dealing with a MethAffected property will impact on all facets of your business and has the potential to create an extreme reputational risk.
We have a solution. We are MethRisk Management specialists. We train property industry professionals to understand MethRisk and learn how to exercise greater control over MethRisk.
Our MethRisk Management (MRM) training programme consists of learning modules, that reduce business risk AND increase business opportunity. We deliver the training over the course of one day. Some modules are suitable for all staff while others are role-specific.
Course content includes MethAwareness, conscious MethRisk assessments, case studies, scenarios and implementing systems, processes, policies and procedures. We also provide draft communication templates in the form of emails, letters and clauses for tenancy agreements.
Following the training, you will have access to an MRM members-only online knowledge bank containing a plethora of information we have put together from our experience of sampling over 16,000 properties around New Zealand
This includes dealing with complex contamination situations such as property contaminated by meth manufacture.
Businesses that engage in our MethRisk Management training programme report business growth both in terms of sales and rental listings.
If you would like to learn more about our MethRisk Management training programme please call Debra – MethSolutions Business Relationship Manager.
We will arrange an appointment to speak with you and discuss your specific business requirements. From there we can explore ways we can assist you and formulate a plan of action.